Holy Speak – Blessings
Speak Love and Light to others – Encourage, exhort, comfort, teach and share
Don’t speak negative about anyone or anything – Keep silent.
Don’t complain or demand that things be fixed. If you need to make changes... Speak the kindest words possible.
Don’t be upset with anything anyone does to you – Love the, keep silent, be wronged.
Don’t curse, speak dirty filthy words, secrets, cursing and blaspheming God, slandering God.
Don’t listen to others speak evil. Love people. Period.
Don’t criticize, belittle, shame a person’s words or actions…
Don’t talk about people who hurt you or defrauded or offended you, frustrate you or ignore you.
Never criticize another’s behaviors/
Speak kindness
Speak the Words of God
Speak the words of His Holy men.
Speak about the glory of God
Speak of the attributes of God
Speak encouragement, peace, forgiveness, blessings, comforts, mercy, holiness, living water, worship, appreciation, thankfulness, praise, patience and understanding, |
Don’t speak about past sin’s prior bad acts of yourself or anyone else.
Confess your faults to God. Confess your sins... Make restitution where possible and forget.
Resist every desire to give advice, suggestions, comments, opinions, guidance, consulting, counseling, criticism… unless solicited … then speak Love…
Never criticize another’s behaviors/
Speak kindness
Speak the Words of God
Speak the words of His Holy men.
Speak about the glory of God
Speak of the attributes of God
Speak encouragement, peace, forgiveness, blessings, comforts, mercy, holiness, living water, worship, appreciation, thankfulness, praise, patience and understanding,
Don’t speak about past sin’s prior bad acts of yourself or anyone else.
Confess your faults to God. Confess your sins... Make restitution where possible and forget.
Resist every desire to give advice, suggestions, comments, opinions, guidance, consulting, counseling, criticism… unless solicited … then speak Love…
Speak the truth - Always hobest with no decption or guile.. Never Lie |